...Green-ifying your life room-by-room: Kitchen Edition
In this podcast episode, we focus on how to make our kitchens more environmentally friendly spaces. We believe the key to achieving a greener lifestyle lies in gradual steps and educating ourselves over time. Today, we're excited to share the practical tips we've learned for reducing waste and energy consumption in our kitchens.
The main topics we'll cover include waste-free kitchen products, non-toxic cleaning solutions, composting and recycling, making sustainable coffee choices, and improving energy efficiency. We also want to encourage you to share your ideas and feedback with us because we truly believe that even small changes can have a significant positive impact on the environment.
A few takeaways you will get from this episode:
How to start small and begin with manageable changes in your kitchen.
How to minimize waste through things like compostable sponges, sustainable products, and reusing containers.
Why it’s important to support eco-minded brands, use appliances efficiently, and be mindful of composting and recycling rules.
Some brands we recommend in this episode:
Who Gives a Crap (paper towels) - https://us.whogivesacrap.org/
Alter Eco - https://www.alterecofoods.com/
Yada - https://yadayadacoffee.com/
Equator Coffees - https://www.equatorcoffees.com/
Heirloom Coffee Roasters - https://heirloomcoffeeroasters.com/
Canyon Coffee - https://canyoncoffee.co/
Groundwork Coffee - https://www.groundworkcoffee.com/
Our favourite quotes:
"As individuals, truly one of the biggest impacts that we can have starts in the kitchen in what we choose to eat." - Bonnie
"Buying in bulk...is a great way to minimize the plastic you're using." - Madeleine
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Connect with us on Instagram @101wayspod
Visit our website: www.savetheplanetpodcast.com